Sipp'd apple juice isn't just a drink that should be served cold. We've found that it can be turned into an incredible warm mulled apple to keep you nice and toasty in winter.

The idea came to us after drinking one of our bottles straight from our "bottle Jacuzzi" and although it tasted delicious on its own, we instantly started thinking about mixing it with some mulling spices. The last few months have been really cold, and we've found ourselves reaching for this winter warmer more and more. We've been experimenting with spices and have arrived at a simple recipe we think is delicious!
What you'll need
1 bottle of Sipp'd Apple juice (275ml)
A few small pieces of cinnamon bark
2 cloves
1 or 2 twists of orange zest
1 tsp of sugar (optional - we like ours without)
1 twist of orange zest to garnish
This recipe couldn't be simpler:
Pour your bottle of Sipp'd apple juice into a saucepan and add the cinnamon, cloves and orange zest.
Warm the mix, being careful not to boil it, for approximately 10 minutes, stirring regularly. This should be plenty of time for the spices to work their magic and the smell will be incredible.
If you have a sweet tooth you may want to add a teaspoon of sugar during step 2, ensuring you keep stirring to dissolved all the sugar. Alternatively you could always try this recipe with a sweeter juice such as our 100% Gala. We like to make ours with the sharper varieties as they have a wicked tang, especially when warmed.
Serve in your favorite mug with a twist of orange zest, put a good movie on Netflix and enjoy! (Sipp'd Tip - make sure you twist the zest over your glass to catch those citrus oils)
Just remember, if you don't like any of the spices we've suggested, you can always chop and change the recipe as you like it. It would be great to hear you're recipes or if you have have any other warm serving suggestions.